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Member of the organizing committee and participant in the Seminar – Atelier de l'imaginaire – season 2 "The imagination of the encounter, between organization and surprise", Institute of Alpine Geography. January 9, 2014, partnership between Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences, Joseph Fourrier University and Pierres Mendès France University, Grenoble, France.

Member of the organizing committee and participant in the seminar "Atelier de l'Imaginaire" season 1 "Short circuits". October 25, 2014, Grenoble, France.

Participation in the seminar "ITerritorial innovation", partnership between the Institute of Alpine Geography, Joseph Fourier University and the International Center for Local Development Studies of the Catholic University of Lyon. January 10, 2014, Lyon, France.

Member of the organizing committee of the Urban Fabrik seminar (Act III) "The urban night, territory of innovation". April 11, 2014 at the Cité des Territoires, Institute of Alpine Geography, Grenoble, France.

Member of the organizing team and participant in the "Night crossing of the Grenoble conurbation", partnership between Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, the Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun de l'Agglomération Grenoble and the University Joseph Fourier as part of the week of public innovation. night from November 13 to 14, 2014, Grenoble, France .

Member of the organizing committee of the international colloquium "Living together on urban nights. Thinking, Feeling and Narrating Nightlife". March 5-6, 2015, Paris, symposium organized by the LAB'URBA, LAVUE, PRODIG and PACTE laboratories, Urban Pedestrian Mobilities, France. 

Facilitator and moderator of the workshop "La nuit lilloise" during the international conference  "Cliving in urban nights. Thinking, Feeling and Narrating Nightlife". 5 and 6 March 2015, Paris, symposium organized by the laboratories LAB'URBA, LAVUE, PRODIG and PACTE, Mobilités Urbaines Pédestres, France.

Member of the organizing committee of the international colloquium "Enlightened urban culture". December 8-10, 2013, Grenoble, France; December 13-15, 2013, Milan, Italy.

Member of the organizing committee of the international seminar "Time and mobility". December 16-17, 2013, Institute of Alpine Geography, Grenoble, France.

Member of the organizing committee of the international project "Geneva explores its night", partnership between Joseph Fourrier University and the Department of Culture and Sport of the City of Geneva. September 13-14, 2013, Geneva, Switzerland. -136bad5cf58d_

Member of the organizing committee of the international seminar "Making the city: by which practices and by which projects". April 26-27, 2009, Larbi Ben Mhidi University, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.

© 2023 by Sami Ramzi Chibane, Geographer

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