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Sami Ramzi Chibane has a multidisciplinary background ranging from urban engineering and city management (Engineer; 2010) to geography (Master; 2013) and urban planning and development (Doctorate; 2022).


After a thesis at the Pacte laboratory of the University of Grenoble Alpes - devoted to walking in metropolitan areas, he is currently in charge of mobility studies and projects within the Normandy Region in France.


His research continues on daily mobility,   utilitarian and recreational walking practices, the comfort and hospitality of public spaces as well as the impact of the city (built and natural environments) on the behavior, perceptions and feelings of walkers. He is more generally interested in the relationship between city and health, active modes of transport and contemporary lifestyles.


It regularly participates in research-action programs in collaboration between French, Italian and Swiss universities and various actors in the making of the city. From 2016 to 2019, he taught geography at the Institute of Urban Planning and Alpine Geography.


He pilots and supervises training, research-action and advice workshops at the Institute of Urban Planning and Alpine Geography with local authorities in France and elsewhere.


​Cellular: (+33) 664 959 993


© 2023 by Sami Ramzi Chibane, Geographer

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